his father could never fill was beginning to be filled. Michael
finally felt what it was like to be an emotionally initiated man. He
had been blessed by the workshop leaders, something he thought
would never happen in his lifetime. He had come into his mature
initiated male energy and could express it in integrity in his service
in the world. This is of utmost importance to someone with 10-1s.
stephanie, his wife, brought in the transmission of the femi-
nine energy that Michael was deficient in from the early loss of
his mother. as their love grew through the years, and he opened
his heart to her, his female energy also came into balance. We will
examine their relationship and family dynamics in much greater
depth in a future book on Relationship and Name Overlays and
another one on Families and Parenting for their children.
Now that Michael was getting his male and female energies up
and running and into balance, this freed up much of his life force
energy which his ego had been suppressing and enabled him to
access so much more of the high god-like spiritual energies of the
10-1s. He rose in consciousness and started to meditate regularly,
as he realised how important the reconnection to his true spiritual
nature was. This continuous dissolution of the layers of separation
between himself at a human-ego personality level and his soul
meant he gradually, over many years, became the walking, talking,
feeling expression of his soul. When his soul had a thought or
feeling, Michael experienced the same thought and feeling at
exactly the same time. He was moving gradually into a state of full
soul consciousness that would eventually allow him to express the
full spectrum of his soul Destiny/life Purpose.
Key points of the 10 : Bringing male female energies back
into balance and being open to soul consciousness
Key points of the 1 : Coming back into fully unified, stable,
integrated male power
Soul Destiny: 14-5
Michael’s soul Destiny was to produce spiritual material in some
form in writing, to bring to the world new, pioneering spiritual
techniques. This would flow from his intuitive channel in the
form of the Physical goals 5-5 and the spiritual goals 14-5. The
energy of the 14 created lots of emotionally intense relationships
for Michael which were very disorientating. out of this intensity,
where those he was relating to would reflect back to him parts of
himself he was not previously aware of, he would get to know much
more about who he truly was. His motto was ‘i relate, therefore i
am’. His spiritual writing was to be a product of his own personal
life experience of blending the spiritual concepts of vaastu and
sacred geometry into his buildings.
Key points of the 14 : Reflected being, knowing oneself
through relationship
Key points of the 5 : Expressing new spiritual material
from intuitive channels
10. Brief interpretation of a short name with less than
ten phonetic sounds
Case study 2: Bart Alan
let us undertake a brief interpretation of Bart alan, who has less
than ten phonetic Hebrew sounds in his name. His name can only
be decoded into generic karma, talents and goals. There is no soul
Destiny for a short name. There is no separation into physical and
spiritual aspects as for a name with ten or more phonetic sounds
which decode into a six-pointed star of David. This is because
there are not enough phonetic vibrations available.
Table 10: The three aspects
Generic Karma: 11-2
Bart was always a builder of things; he loved lego as a child. He
excelled at woodwork and metalwork at school as this was all about
understanding the structure of the projects he was to learn the skills
to build, then actually constructing them. His father was an archi-
tect, so he was brought up in that sort of creative environment at
home. He
Sydney Landon
Deb Elkink
Brett McBean
Loki Renard
Sarah Morgan
Stephen King
Leander Kahney
Claire Thompson
Elizabeth Aston
Robin Mahle