A Dangerous Business

A Dangerous Business by Lorelei Moone

Book: A Dangerous Business by Lorelei Moone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorelei Moone
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the team..."
    "Uhuh," Aidan responded, while playing with his phone again.
    Jamie sat back and looked around the office, pausing on both of their faces for a bit too long. The extra attention made Heidi nervous, but she resisted the urge to fidget with her chain again.
    "Guys. It's okay, you know..." Jamie started, "It may be controversial in some circles, but you have nothing to worry about here."
    Heidi tried to swallow her worries, and looked up at him as coolly as she could manage. "Worry about what?"
    "Right." Jamie grinned and diverted his attention to his computer, which had just switched on. "Worry about what, indeed... Excuse me for a moment, I am going to pay a little visit to our guests downstairs."
    While Jamie gathered up some notes and a pen, along with his half-empty cup of coffee, Heidi tried her best to remain calm.
    As soon as he was out the door, she pulled her chair across the office, right next to Aidan's.
    "He knows! Despite being careful, he still knows!" She couldn't believe it. Aidan was right, they
been careful. So how did he figure it out?
    "I'm not surprised. He's been doing this kind of work for a long time. Good instincts," Aidan responded.
    "Now what?"
    "Nothing. We can't very well undo what has happened. Neither can we force him to forget."
    "But the way you act around the guy, like you don't trust him. Are you sure he won't rat us out?" Heidi asked.
    "I don't think he would."
    "So why didn't you tell him why you were really driving up to Skye?" Heidi insisted. "Why keep secrets?"
    "Because it was none of his business. And because Jamie Abbott isn't his real name. I've only been able to uncover records for
Jamie Abbott living in Scotland, and he's been dead ten years."
    Heidi was speechless. Jamie wasn't who he said he was? That was huge, and strangely, Aidan seemed quite calm about the entire affair.
    "I don't understand. Either we're all on the same side, or we're not."
    "I've found nothing to suggest he's disloyal to the cause, all I know is that for some reason or other he's chosen to live under an alias. Trust me. Things will be fine. He won't tell a soul." Aidan placed his hand on Heidi's shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.
    "Fine. I trust you." Heidi closed her eyes and rested her head against Aidan's hand. Amazing, how such a simple gesture could put her mind at ease. She
trust him, and her own instincts were usually right about people too. During their time working together, she'd never felt unsafe around Jamie. He had his secrets, but then that might well be a bear thing, because Aidan had his too. Maybe one day, with Aidan's help, she'd understand why bears were so secretive...
    "What do you say, we head downstairs to observe Jamie as he has a go questioning the prisoners? We might learn something." Aidan got up and offered her his hand.
    "Sure." Heidi accepted his gesture, and together they left the office, ready to embark on whatever new adventures might lie ahead.
    ~ THE END ~
    The Scottish Werebears Series continues with Book 3,  A Forbidden Love   which features Jamie Abbott and his inconvenient obsession with the Alliance's human informant, Alison.
    Genuine customer reviews are really important for indie authors such as myself. If you take the time to leave a review for this book, I would love to send you an early review copy of Book 3 as soon as it's ready! Please contact me at  [email protected]  (please send me the link where I can read your review, this is very important!) and ask for your free copy.

Scottish Werebear: A Forbidden Love
    An Excerpt by Lorelei Moone.  Buy on Amazon .

    It was late and most of Edinburgh's popular pubs were starting to close. Jamie Abbott didn't feel like heading home yet, but figured he might as well try to rest before another undoubtedly long day at the office.
    A confusing maelstrom of thoughts plagued him. He had worked for the Alliance for years, laboring away day after day without much to show for it. Until now.

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