A Hero's Bargain

A Hero's Bargain by Rayne Forrest Page B

Book: A Hero's Bargain by Rayne Forrest Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rayne Forrest
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can spank me. I’d like that.” He
leered at her. She blinked uncomprehendingly at him.
calm down and listen.” He gave her a little shake. Her entire body jerked in
surprise. “Just be quiet.”
stilled, her beautiful eyes black, and wary. Compulsion sliced through him. He
lowered his mouth to hers and she burst into flame in his arms.
    Her mouth
opened in welcome. Her tongue met his, dancing and teasing. His erection
completed in a breathtaking rush, hazing his awareness to all but the tight
throbbing in his groin. Then he was back into himself and able to focus on
    Saba met
his kiss with total abandon. Her arms were wrapped around his neck, clinging to
him as if her very life depended on it. He cupped her bottom and brought her
body to his, trapping his hardness between them. She moaned into his mouth,
lifting her leg to rest her knee on his hip. His hand slipped down to cup her
heat and she flooded wet into his palm.
pressed against his hand, seeking, and he slipped two fingers into her moist
welcome. Her nails dug into his shoulders. The small, sudden pain just fueled
the lust that coiled in his belly. He didn’t have time to dwell on the
pleasures of his own arousal. Saba was wild in his arms.
angel. Easy.” He thumbed across her bud. She cried out, sinking her teeth into
the soft skin of his shoulder as her woman’s flesh pulsed under his hand.
abandoned the notion of slowing her down and making love to her slowly as her
inexperience demanded he do. She was way ahead of him. It astonished him even
as it fueled his own ardor, and he pressed more firmly with his thumb.
    “Do you like
that, Saba?” he whispered roughly in her ear. She whimpered, her inner walls
clenching around his fingers. He knew in that moment she’d acquiesce to whatever
he wanted to do to her. Desire danced darkly through the flames in his belly,
demanding he pull her to her knees and take her in a primitive claiming.
couldn’t indulge that demon. She was too new to this dance of male and female.
Still, there were a few things that shouldn’t shock her too badly. He rolled
her on top of him.
    She made
a sound of surprise, and frustration, but she didn’t let go of him. No, not
that. She stretched out, full length, and rubbed her breasts on him. He grasped
her hips.
    “Take me,
    Ryder was
the one surprised. She didn’t hesitate but rose above him and straddled his
hips. He reached between them taking his erection to steady things. Her gaze
met his full of uncertainty and need.
me,” he repeated softly, fearing her retreat.
wavered for the barest moment then slowly moved over him, seeking. The look on
her face when he slipped that first bit into her heat was not surprise. It was
triumph. She eased down, taking him fully. Fire licked at him. He got a firm
grip on her hips and urged her up. Her strong thighs lifted her, and then she
slid down over him again, quickly finding a rhythm that fed her need. Ryder
buried his thumbs into her nest of wet curls and began a gentle massage. She
tightened around him, falling forward, her hands splayed on his chest. Her
movements never ceased, never faltered. He gritted his teeth against the orgasm
roaring up inside him. Sweat broke out all over his body. The muscles of his
abdomen spasmed to the point of pain.
    Let it
burn. He was not going to reach for the bliss until she could. And then she
    A small
sob welled out of her. He drove up into her, hard, as her tender walls rippled
around his shaft, plunging him toward insanity. Her body pulsed under his
thumbs and she cried out. The flood of her pleasure rained down over his
thighs. He could wait no longer to embrace the dancing demon.
grabbed her hips, pulling her down while thrusting into her. She was molten
heat around him as his hands urged her to movement. Sensation skittered up his
spine on delicate tendrils leaving him burning in its wake. His balls tightened.

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