Caleb Morgan [Seven Brothers for McBride 7]

Caleb Morgan [Seven Brothers for McBride 7] by Anitra Lynn McLeod

Book: Caleb Morgan [Seven Brothers for McBride 7] by Anitra Lynn McLeod Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anitra Lynn McLeod
Tags: Romance
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not since you watched me dress.”
    McBride turned around so fast Caleb didn’t react until it was too late. He found himself pinned against the wall with McBride pressing close.
    “You’re scary fast.”
    “Yeah? Let’s hope that’s not in all things.” McBride yanked at Caleb’s shorts, exposing his cock and wrapping his fist around the shaft.
    “I guess I’m not going anywhere.”
    “Nope.” McBride squeezed and then stroked. “Besides, unless you brought some greasers in here, we’re going to have to settle for hand jobs.”
    “Damn. I didn’t. But I’m going to stash some all over this land of yours.”
    “Good. Just be aware our fellow hands might find them and use them, too.”
    “Good point.” Caleb closed his eyes as McBride fisted him with an expertise that was shocking. “You’re really, really good at this.”
    “Lots of practice.”
    Caleb leaned hard into him, fisting McBride’s cock, pacing his rhythm. “On who?”
    Caleb laughed and then groaned when McBride’s pace increased. “I’m not going to last.”
    “Don’t. This is supposed to be a quickie.” McBride nuzzled the scar. “Can I feed?”
    “Yeah.” Caleb bared his neck and howled when McBride sank his teeth in. Right at the peak of his feeding, Caleb climaxed, and so did McBride. They clung together, recovering, then let each other loose.
    “We’ve got to stop meeting like this.” McBride settled his forehead to Caleb’s.
    “I know. We’re not going to get anything done.”
    “Too bad we can’t capture the heat of that. We could power the whole damn town.”
    After another half dozen kisses and a quick washup, they were both back at work and the issue of the talkative thrall was still unresolved. Caleb had set Easton on a task of dismantling an old mechanical animal milker that had never worked quite right. When he returned, Easton had the entire thing taken apart and laid out on one of the worktables. It was so meticulously organized it looked like a schematic.
    “What did you find out?” Caleb was good at taking things apart and remembering how they went together, but Easton had it down to a kind of intricate puzzle that anyone with half a brain could follow.
    “It looks like this valve here”—he pointed to a black circle of plastic—“doesn’t have the right kind of flexibility. It needs to have something more like this.”
    Caleb took the item Easton offered. “Where’d you get this?”
    “From the random collection of stuff over there.” Easton pointed to the semiorganized items Caleb had scrounged from busted machinery.
    “And you think this will make it work?”
    “I think so.” Easton considered the rest of the objects on the table. “Everything else looks right.”
    “Okay.” Caleb handed him the valve. “Put it back together and let’s see if it works.”
    “I don’t know why we should bother.”
    Caleb frowned at him, displeased that he wasn’t following his instructions. Now he knew exactly how annoying McBride had found his resistance to his orders.
    “I mean that we don’t have any animals here that need to be milked.”
    Against his best efforts to avoid it, a dirty smirk twisted Caleb’s lips. He didn’t have to say a word for Easton to grasp what he was thinking of.
    “Oh, that’s—no.” Easton turned a dozen shades of red.
    But Caleb knew he was looking at the machine with new eyes when he bit his bottom lip. “Just see what you can do.”
    After leaving Easton to work on the milking machine, Caleb dug through the items on the fix-it wall and desk, found what he wanted, then made his way over to the big house. He was up four flights of stairs and then climbed the ladder into the cupola. The valet was there, his gaze methodically examining the land surrounding the farm.
    “Any movement?”
    “No, sir.”
    “You know that McBride no longer has his communication device?”
    “Yes, sir. I’ve been instructed to alert the butler, who will in turn

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