Call to Arms (War of the Fae: Book 2)

Call to Arms (War of the Fae: Book 2) by Elle Casey

Book: Call to Arms (War of the Fae: Book 2) by Elle Casey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elle Casey
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for the Céline debacle.  
    Fine.   They wanted to play.   I could play.   If I was going to go down, I might as well go down fighting.   I went from scared to angry, just like that.   I was getting pretty damned tired of being forced into these life-threatening situations.
    I went down on my knees, touching the green things there, digging my hands into the soil.   I had to try something; I just wish I knew what it was.
    “Fifteen seconds.”   Robin was now in line with the other killer elves.
    I sent desperate images and signals out to The Green.   I knew those arrows weren’t an illusion.   They weren’t going to remain with their elf archers after the zero second mark had rung out from Robin’s lips.   How on earth was The Green going to help me survive arrows flying faster than fighter jets at my puny weak body?   I couldn’t teleport out of here.   I couldn’t weave a spell.   I was a sitting duck.   Being an elemental sucked!
    The Green usually protected me by responding to mental images I sent – I told it what I wanted with pictures and it gave it to me.   This time I couldn’t do that.   I couldn’t even imagine what The Green could do to save me.   Vines to tie them up?   Not enough time.   Branches to knock them over?   None close enough.
    “Ten seconds.”
    Help me!   I don’t know what to ask for!   They’re going to kill me!
    I received a signal back from The Green.   It was calming, soothing.   The love had come to deliver me from this awfulness.  
    Tears came to my eyes.   So this is it.   I’d come this far, practically sacrificed my friendship with Tony to be here and put up with endless amounts of bullshit ... only to die on the forest floor, a pincushion for the arrows of the green elves.   At least The Green had sent me a sense of peace for my final moments.
    I put my head down, my shoulders dropping in defeat.   There was nothing left to do.   Except save Finn.
    “Five seconds.”
    “Finn.   Move away.”
    “But ... ” He took a step towards me, as if he was going to shield me, looking frantically at the line of arrows he was facing.
    “Go!   There’s no use.   Leave me here.”
    I heard his feet move away.  
    At first, I didn’t want to look at the arrows coming at me, but at the last second I changed my mind.   Let these fuckers look me in the eyes when they filled me full of holes.
    I raised my eyes, pissed off.   Scared, but proud.   I lifted myself up onto my knees, picking my arms up and spreading them wide.
    “Kiss my ass, green elves!” I yelled.
    I saw arrows being drawn back, eyes squinting as the elves took aim.
    And then Robin’s voice carried across the space between us.   “Zero!”

Chapter 9
    Suddenly, a green glow burst up from the ground around me.   It came shooting out of my body, from my hands, my head, my everything .   It was coming out of every pore of my body and the ground around me.
    I could barely make out the forms of the elves across the training field through the green haze that surrounded me.   I couldn’t hear anything except the hum of The Green, touching every part of my body and the space near me.   I stayed there in that field of energy for I don’t know how long.   Time seemed to stand still as I welcomed it in, allowing it to soothe me, fill me with its presence.   I wondered if this is what dying was like ... the light that near-death survivors said showed up when it was time to go to heaven.   I’d never heard it described as being green, but what the heck , I was fae now .   Maybe dying fae saw green lights.
    Slowly, the light began to fade.   I felt the energy withdraw back into The Green.   I let out a pent-up breath as I realized I was once again back to my regular link with it and, happily, there were no arrows sticking out of my body.   I felt full, energized, powerful .   I stood, brushing myself off, paying no attention to the elves, as the wonderfulness of The Green’s

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