Christmas at Lilac Cottage: (#1 White Cliff Bay)

Christmas at Lilac Cottage: (#1 White Cliff Bay) by Holly Martin

Book: Christmas at Lilac Cottage: (#1 White Cliff Bay) by Holly Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly Martin
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    ‘Good,’ Henry said. Putting his mug down, he got up and walked out.
    ‘I’m sorry about him, he has no patience at all. But if he didn’t want you to come, he would say so, look how he was with Jade the other night,’ Daisy said.
    ‘Daisy, get your arse in here and let Penny have some peace for a few hours,’ Henry called through the open door and Daisy smiled with love for her dad.
    ‘I’ll see you later,’ she said and ran quickly after him. After a few moments Henry appeared in the doorway, flashing Penny a brief tiny smile before closing the door.
    Penny sat staring at the door in confusion. What the hell had just happened?

Chapter Seven
    P enny could see Henry in the shed, moving around and looking completely at ease as he worked.
    Feeling the need to repair their tentative friendship, though she wasn’t sure why, she cut a big slice of Christmas cake, made a mug of tea and carried it out to the shed.
    He didn’t notice her at first. A small foot-long piece of wood was clamped to the table and he was chipping into it with a small chisel. It looked like the beginnings of a small reindeer.
    She watched him run his hands lovingly over the wood, brushing away the sawdust. His hands were big and strong and very capable. He had a huge smile on his face as he worked, evidently loving the creativity of what he was doing. He was obviously very talented and if he could create something this detailed and small by hand, it was little wonder White Cliff Bay Furniture Company had hired him. He paused for a moment and she stepped forward.
    Either sensing or hearing her move, he turned around and his face lit up into a huge smile when he saw her, which warmed her from the inside. That feeling faded very quickly as she suddenly felt very foolish for coming to apologise to him when clearly he hadn’t been bothered at all by what had passed between them a few hours before. Now, standing there with a slice of cake and a redundant apology drying on her lips, the offer of a cake looked flirtier than she had wanted. It reminded her of Jade arriving with an Italian the night before. She really didn’t want to be lumped in with the women of the town throwing themselves at him. She groaned inwardly. Why was he making her second-guess everything? She felt so raw around him, as if a plaster covering an eight-year-old wound had been ripped off and he was poking at it without even realising it.
    ‘Hi,’ he said, the grin not disappearing from his face.
    ‘I thought you might be hungry,’ Penny said, cringing inwardly at how awkward this was, though he hadn’t seemed to notice.
    ‘Thank you.’ In two large strides he was in front of her. He took the cake gratefully, taking a huge bite. His eyes locked on hers.
    She forced her gaze away from him and focussed on the reindeer. Now he had stepped away from it, she could see it in all its glory and it was stunning.
    She stepped away from him and his intense proximity to look more closely at it. ‘This is beautiful.’ She ran her fingers over the tiny intricate antlers. ‘Do you make them to sell?’
    He shook his head as he swallowed down the cake. ‘No, just for fun. I always make a new tree decoration every year for Daisy, it’s kind of a tradition, that and making terrible mince pies on Christmas Day. Daisy has started making her own wooden tree decorations too and we exchange them on Christmas morning.’
    ‘I love that idea.’
    He stepped closer. ‘You do? Maybe I’ll make one for you this year too.’
    She looked up at him and then back at the reindeer. His flirting was making her uncomfortable. He would hurt her. If she let herself be swept away by the comments and looks of affection, she had no doubt that he would break her heart after a few weeks. He didn’t want anything serious.
    ‘You’re very talented,’ Penny said, annoyed at the crack in her voice. She didn’t want him to know how much he affected her. She blushed as she realised that what she had

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