Freedom (Delroi Prophecy)

Freedom (Delroi Prophecy) by Loribelle Hunt

Book: Freedom (Delroi Prophecy) by Loribelle Hunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loribelle Hunt
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conversational shift so she got them back on track. “What does that have to do with me being a rebel target?”
    Damn, it was like being back on Earth except there Tel wanted her.
    “The prophecy says the goddess will return to Delroi when three other worlders become one of us.”
    “ There are already women from Earth here.”
    “ Yes.” His response was grim, edgy. “But none will call the Keep home.”
    “ Are we going there then? I won’t be locked in all day again. You said we’re not prisoners.”
    “ You aren’t, baby. I ordered the house locked because my embassy was attacked. Any woman under my protection, especially my der’lan , would make a damned attractive target to them. Turns out you were the target. I won’t take a risk with your life.”
    She couldn’t remember the last time she’d allowed someone to take care of her. Her knee jerk reaction was she could take care of herself, but she forced it back. She didn’t know who she was defending against on Delroi and he was convinced she belonged to him. Seen in that light, she understood his over protectiveness. But it made her really uncomfortable.
    “You could make it known I’m not your mate.”
    He snorted. “Not likely.”
    Damn it. He was mule stubborn, and for some reason he’d convinced himself that they were soul mates or some crap. Too bad his vision of this perfect relationship required her to give up her freedom forever. She sensed he was withholding something else from her but didn’t push. She’d ask him later.
    “You didn’t answer me. Are we staying here?”
    “ No. Barak will call me back if he needs to and I have my own people increasing our presence at the embassy compound.”
    “ Okay.” She didn’t like the silence that stretched and searched for something to talk about. “You have a sister too?”
    “ Hmm.” He leaned down to kiss the freckles across her chest.
    She punched his shoulder, not that he noticed her attempt at focusing his attention. “You can’t tell me something like that and wimp out.”
    “ Wimp out?” His gaze was dark and dangerous. His voice almost a purr. It took all her self-control not to moan at what her instincts translated as a sensual threat.
    “ What would you call it? You start to actually tell me something personal and then you shut up. Why?”
    He rolled onto his back, and pulling the sheet with her, she sat up cross legged next to him. “You were trying to keep things impersonal,” he reminded her.
    She rolled her eyes. “Well, I’m not now. I’m new here. I need to know what I’m getting into.”
    They both knew she was talking about more than being a new emigrant to Delroi. He took her hand and laced their fingers together, staring up into her eyes.
    “You’ll meet her tomorrow. When we go home.”
    “ All three of us,” she said, wanting to be clear they wouldn’t be separated.
    He smiled. “The whole household will go.”
    She cocked an eyebrow. “There’s a household? Not that I saw.”
    “ Gods, not you too.”
    “ What?”
    “ Britt thinks there needs to be full time staff here and a lot more of it.”
    “ She’s right.”
    “ Wonderful. My own der’lan is joining in,” he said, but it didn’t sound like a complaint. She frowned, ignoring the mate business, and skipped to an easier subject.
    “ It was a beautiful house once. What happened?”
    “ It can be again,” he said with a searching look. She wasn’t touching that. Not yet. She couldn’t believe she was even considering it.
    “ What happened?” she asked again, making her voice firm.
    “ My mother hates Saber City. She refuses to leave home.” He smiled. “Maybe you’ll understand when you see it.”
    His assurance made her suspicious.
    He shrugged. “It’s a majestic place. Built on the top of a cliff, overlooking the sea, and on a natural oasis.”
    Okay, she had to admit his description intrigued her. Hell, everything about him did. Damn, she in

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