Freedom (Delroi Prophecy)

Freedom (Delroi Prophecy) by Loribelle Hunt Page B

Book: Freedom (Delroi Prophecy) by Loribelle Hunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loribelle Hunt
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    She found a seat away from the others in the back corner of the shuttle, and breathed a sigh of relief when Roarr sat next to her and took her hand. The contact helped tame her craving.
    “What’s wrong?” Parker asked her telepathically from the other end of the shuttle. Kareena met her gaze with a subtle head shake.
    “ Nothing. I’m just tired, and the whole alien planet thing is a lot to take in.”
    “ You’re sure?”
    Hell, no. But whatever this thing was growing between her and Roarr, she wasn’t ready to share it yet. Wasn’t ready to voice the reality yet.
    “Of course.”
    Thankfully Parker let it go, and turned to speak with the warrior sitting next to her. Kareena repressed a grin. She’d felt Parker’s irritation with Kaje, but Kareena doubted he would be as easy for Parker to brush off as she usually did.
    “Anything I should know about?” Roarr asked softly.
    She turned to look at him, curious about how extensive his abilities were. “You knew I was talking to her?”
    “ Parker?” He nodded an affirmative.
    “ I thought you were an empath.”
    “ Yes. My…talent seems to be altering.” He shrugged. “I’d heard that was possible when one finds his der’lan . Most couples develop the ability to communicate with through the bond. And people who are sensitives often develop full telepathic ability.”
    Interesting. She heard honesty in his response, but sensed he was holding something back. Something to do with mates, which she wasn’t prepared to deal with yet. But it looked like hiding her head in the sand was quickly losing out as an option.
    “And what aren’t you telling me?”
    “ Ours isn’t complete,” he said reluctantly.
    “ The prayer.”
    She’d heard some of the words in his thoughts, but she didn’t believe in magic. Surely, that invocation wouldn’t have any real power. He chuckled and shook his head.
    “You’ll see, baby.”
    “ I’d rather not, thanks,” she said, then pressed her lips together.
    She felt his disappointment but hardened her heart. Hadn’t she given up enough? Her world, her job, all the people she’d helped escape Tel. All that was left was her freedom, and she only had it because she was on Delroi. On Earth she’d have to spend the rest of her life hiding. It probably wouldn’t have taken long to get caught again. It was ironic that the one place she could be free was likely to land her in another kind of captivity.
    Next to her, he sighed and squeezed her hand. “It would be easier if you asked instead of making assumptions,” he chided gently.
    “ What do you mean?” she asked despite herself. She so didn’t want to have this conversation right now.
    “ You aren’t being starved or tortured. You aren’t locked behind bars. You can hardly claim you are a prisoner.”
    She narrowed her eyes. She might not be an inmate, but what he wanted from her would forever strip away her independence. He shook his head.
    “Where are you getting this from?” he asked, sounding confused. Hell, he might really not get it.
    “ I wasn’t around Janice and Falkor long, but it was enough to know they’re psychically bonded. Same for Britt and Barak. A bond like that can never be severed.”
    He went very still next to her. “What makes you think they want to?”
    “ Now? I’m sure they don’t. The sex is probably great,” she said sarcastically. “But in ten years? Twenty? What happens when the bloom wears off? When the desire fades? Even if they went their separate ways their minds will always be connected.”
    She shuddered. “Can you imagine how awful that would be? You’d know when your ex was screwing someone else, because you’d always be tied to them.” She shook her head. “That is the very opposite of freedom, Roarr.”
    She could read the protest in his mind, but he didn’t voice it. After a moment he shielded his thoughts.
    “Okay,” he finally said. So softly she had to strain to hear. “When we arrive at

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