Grandma Robot
Fay Risner
Cover Art
All Rights Reserved 2015
Fay Risner
Published by Fay Risner at
Copyright (c) 2015
All Rights Reserved
By Fay Risner
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This is a work of fiction. Names,
characters, places and incidents are either the product of the
author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to
the actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events
or locals are entirely coincidental. Excerpts from this book cannot
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Nurse Hal Among The Amish Series
A Promise Is A Promise Doubting Thomas
The Rainbow’s End
Hal’s Worldly Temptations
As Her Name Is So Is Redbird
Emma’s Gossamer Dreams
The Courting Buggy
Amazing Gracie Historical Mystery Series
Neighbor Watchers Poor Defenseless Addie
Specious Nephew The Will O Wisp
The Country Seat Killer
The Chance Of A Sparrow
Moser Mansion Ghosts
Locked Rock, Iowa Hatchet Murders
Stringbean Hooper Westerns Tread Lightly Sibby
The Dark Wind Howls Over Mary The Blue
Small Feet’s Many Moon Journey A Coffin To Lie On
Ella Mayfield's Pawpaw Militia-Civil War
Christmas books
Christmas Traditions - An Amish Love Story
Christmas With Hover Hill
Leona’s Christmas Bucket List
Listen To Me Honey – novella
Grandma Robot - novella
Children Books
Spooks In Claiborne Mansion
My Children Are More Precious Than
Gold Mr. Quacker
Nonfiction about Alzheimer’s disease
Open A Window - Caregiver Handbook
Hello Alzheimer’s Goodbye Dad-author’s true story
Midwest Favorite Lamb Recipes
Books published by Booksbyfay Publisher
Sunset Til Sunrise On Buttercup Lane by Connie
Military-nonfiction-Vietnam War
Redcatcher MP by Mickey Bright
Chapter 1
One spring morning, author Karen
Warwick found a missed call on her cell phone after she placed two
grocery sacks in the back of her car. A call that was about change
her life. It would liven up her days and give her cause to wonder
what happened to her loved ones in the afterlife.
The call came from Karen's friend,
Amy Brown. Amy worked at the science experimental laboratory on the
outskirts of Lockridge, Iowa.
Karen was in town to buy groceries
to stock the kitchen of the century old country house she'd just
bought from her parents. Karen's parents, Helen and Sid Warwick,
were content living in Lockridge so they didn't want the
As luck would have it, her father
put the acreage up for sale, and she asked if she could buy it. Her
mom and dad thought she was crazy to move to what her mother called
the sticks. Karen knew she'd like the peace and quiet that country
life would afford her.
Besides, her parents let her pay
for the acreage by the month which was a plus. She wasn't sure how
much income she'd have from year to year from books she'd
That kept her from having to go
through the bank to get a term loan with interest. If she was late
with a payment her parents would wait until she had the money. So
this was an ideal situation for her.
Since she'd go right by the lab on
her way home, Karen decided to see what Amy wanted instead of
calling her. After she stopped her car in the laboratory parking
lot, she rifled around in her purse for her mirror and comb. The
breeze had been hard on her flighty, honey shaded hair.
Amy had given Karen a tour of the
lab once so she knew her way to her friend's office. As she walked
along the long hall, she looked in the large windows of
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Tony Dunbar
Bianca D'Arc
Patricia Hagan
Gregory Hoffman
Sydney Croft
Michele Jaffe
Joanne Pence
Cindy Procter-King
Cheyenne McCray