I Hear the Sirens in the Street

I Hear the Sirens in the Street by Adrian McKinty

Book: I Hear the Sirens in the Street by Adrian McKinty Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrian McKinty
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    “It helps you because it considerably narrows down the window in which the victim died. Since I retired from full-time practice I’ve been fishing a lot more and on occasion I’ve taken a Pot Noodle and a thermos of hot water with me …”
    I was getting excited now. The old git was on to something.
    “I know for a fact that the Chicken Tikka Pot Noodle was only introduced in November of 1981. I’d seen the advertisements for it and I made a point to try it when it came out as I spent quite a few years in Malaya and thought it might be a nice blend of Indian and Chinese cuisines. Unfortunately it wasn’t that tasty … but this is me running off on a tangent – do you get my drift, Sergeant Duffy?”
    “The victim couldn’t possibly have been killed before November of last year,” I said.
    I thanked Dr Hagan and shared the news with the boys.
    We called Golden Wonder to confirm the release date of the Chicken Tikka Pot Noodle and they told us that it had been shipped to shops and supermarkets on November 12. It helped a little. Yes, the victim had been alive in November, but he still could have entered Northern Ireland anytime in the last year. Tourists overstayed their ninety-day visas all the time, as did journalists and businessmen. But still, assuming he was a law-abiding citizen, we could cut off the list of names at, say, 30th June 1981 for our initial series of phone calls.
    That winnowed the list down to a measly two hundred and fifty over-forty American males who had entered Northern Ireland between 30th June 1981 and 30th March 1982. I drafted in a reserve constable with the unlikely name of John Smith so that we could divide the effort in four. Sixty names each didn’t seem that onerous.
    Matty wondered if any Canadians or Brits abroad had joined or been seconded into the First Infantry Division and it was a damn fine point but we couldn’t afford to get sidetracked this early. We took it as a useful fiction that they had not.
    We started making phone calls at 1 p.m., which was 8 a.m. on the East Coast.
    For once we caught a break and by just three forty-five we had a first-class lead on our hands.
    Matty did the call. A man called Bill O’Rourke had put the number of his Veterans of Foreign Wars Lodge as his emergency contact. VFW Post 7608 in a place called Newburyport, Massachusetts, which we discovered was a hop, a skip and jump north of Boston.
    A guy called Mike Lipstein was happy to fill Matty in on his buddy Bill who no one had heard from since before Christmas 1981.
    Bill was a former IRS inspector who had indeed served in The Big Red One, in North Africa, Sicily, France and Germany. He was an enlisted man who had risen to the rank of First Sergeantby the end of hostilities.
    He was also a widower who had retired from the IRS in Boston to take care of his wife Heather who was dying of terminal breast cancer. She had died in September of 1980. It had hit him hard and everyone had told him that he had to get away somewhere. He had taken a trip to Ireland just before Halloween to visit the old country and retrace his roots. He’d gone for a few weeks, loved it and said he was going back to do some more exploring. This second trip was just before Thanksgiving and no one had heard from him since.
    “Did he say why he was going to Northern Ireland?” Matty had asked.
    His paternal grandparents had come from County Tyrone, Matty had been told.
    “Did he keep himself fit by swimming at all?” Matty had wondered, and had been informed that Bill was a keen swimmer and further that he had a condo in Fort Lauderdale, Florida where he usually spent the winters …
    “I think I have the bastard!” Matty yelled.
    Crabbie and I put down our phones.
    “Matty my lad, you have the moves, son,” Crabbie said.
    He laughed. “I am sweet to the beat, boys!” and told us all about Mr O’Rourke.
    To be on the safe side we worked out our way through the other names on our list but

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