Immortals And Melodies (Blood And Guitars #2)

Immortals And Melodies (Blood And Guitars #2) by Heather Jensen

Book: Immortals And Melodies (Blood And Guitars #2) by Heather Jensen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Jensen
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getting out soon. Trey and I were waiting impatiently in his room when Dr. Hyatt came knocking.
    “How’s our resident rock star doing?” he asked as he let himself in.
    “Can’t complain,” Trey said with his million-dollar smile. He’d have done almost anything at this point to get released.
    “I caught some of your concert in the cafeteria. I think it’s fairly safe to say you’re feeling quite a bit better than you were when you came in last night.”
    “You can say that again.”
    “I think it’s great what you’ve been doing for the kids today,” Dr. Hyatt added as he picked up Trey’s chart and started flipping through the pages.
    “It was nothing,” Trey said modestly.
    “Well, everything looks good here. There’s no evidence that you sustained more than a minor concussion. You were both very lucky. You’re going to want to have your shoulder looked at by someone in a few weeks to check that it’s healing properly, but other than that I think you’re good to go.”
    Trey’s face did nothing to hide the relief he was feeling at the news. “Thank you,” he said, offering his hand to the doctor to shake.
    “Yes, thank you,” I added.
    “My pleasure,” Dr. Hyatt said. “Make sure he takes it easy for a while, will you?”
    “I’ll do my best,” I said.

    Trey and I made our way to the nurse’s station where he signed the release papers and was given a bag of his belongings that contained his wallet, keys, the garage opener from his car, and his ripped and bloodied clothes from last night.

Chapter 16


    JUST AS I’D EXPECTED, Trey was not happy about my decision to leave him at Antonio’s during my meeting with the Emissary.
    “It’s just not a good idea to parade you around in front of Damir and his posse right now,” I explained as we pulled up to Antonio’s place in my car. We’d gone straight to Trey’s house after leaving the hospital so he could shower, change his clothes and eat some dinner. Those tasks had taken Trey a little longer than usual with one hand, but now it was dark, and Antonio was expecting us. Trey stared out the passenger side window, chewing on his bottom lip anxiously, and then he briskly opened the door and got out without a word. I met him on the sidewalk. “Hey,” I said softly as I grabbed his good arm and forced him to stop walking. “It’s okay. You’ll be safe here with Antonio.”
    He turned his head and met my gaze in silence for a long moment, and I saw that his brilliant blue eyes were filled with pain. “It’s you I’m worried about,” he said. “I feel like you’re about to walk into the lion’s den alone. Last time I felt like this, I had to let you leave the restaurant with some strange guys in suits. It didn’t matter that I didn’t know they were Emissary. I knew something was wrong. Now I know exactly who we’re dealing with, and I’m supposed to willingly send you off to face them alone. It’s killing me.”
    I took his face in my hands pressed my lips to his. I kissed him fervently, feeling waves of dread roll off of him as he pulled me closer with his good arm and kissed me back. His heart thumped in double-time and mine raced to match it, a poor imitation of the rich, untainted sound. Human or not, I never felt safer than when I was in his arms. We kissed until he was short of breath, and then he rested his forehead against mine.
    I played with the strap on his sling. “Don’t worry about me.”
    He let out a quick breath of air. “You realize that’s like telling Chase not to bang on things.”
    I smiled and said, “I can take care of myself.”
    He looked at me intensely and said, “Promise you’ll come back to me.”
    “Trey, it’s just a meeting.”
    “With Damir,” he added. “I need to know that you’re not going to let him blackmail you into making some crazy deal to keep me safe or something. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s tried.”
      So that was it. He was still afraid Damir

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