Little Deadly Things

Little Deadly Things by Harry Steinman Page A

Book: Little Deadly Things by Harry Steinman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harry Steinman
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    Jim and Eva sat in silence for several minutes. “That writing assignment was weird,” Jim said, at last. Eva did not reply. She thought about her life in Sofia, and the last time she had seen Gergana. Eva had kept the scarab brooch she’d never had a chance to give her sister. No, Eva thought, I’m not going to spend much time in that class. She reached her hand up and tentatively, touched Jim’s shoulder. He turned to her and offered a neutral smile. Her hand fell back to the counter. Jim reached over and squeezed her hand.
    “Friends,” he said, with a smile as genuine as Coombs, and squeezed her hand again.
    The din was gone, the Table was silent. Space opened up at the Table to admit a new member. Jim stood at its head. He exerted a powerful influence, calming the others. In his presence, Eva felt a respite from the din.

    Marta, Eva, and the Hidden Scholar Foundation car converged at the school’s front steps. Marta had a faraway look and Eva asked, “You okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
    “Sort of,” Marta said.
    “What happened?” asked Eva.
    “I took the writing assignment seriously. It brought back some memories.”
    Eva rolled her eyes. “So, what, you’re better than me?”
    “Why would you say that, Eva?” Marta sounded surprised.
    Eva mimicked her classmate, her voice taking on the singsong, dreamy quality of Marta’s reply,
“I took the writing assignment seriously.
Look, what nobody seems to understand is that I don’t need stories. I am science,” she said, a bit of her old accent spilling back into her speech, a clue to her sudden anger. Eva paused, “So, what did you write about so...seriously?”
    Marta stared at Eva before she replied. “I wrote about my parents.” She hesitated a few moments and then added quietly, “My mom died a few months ago. She was sick and my dad didn’t take it well. I ended up spending the summer with my grandmother. Maybe I have seen a ghost.”
    Her voice was both testy and sorrowful. Eva looked at her and then reached out and touched Marta’s forearm. Today, the gesture was one of solidarity. In time, the gesture would be as much a warning as a cobra’s hiss “Here’s the Foundation driver,” she said.
    They got into the car. Marta smiled at the driver, leaned back in her seat, and closed her eyes. It had been a long day. Pain etched a grimace on her face. Eva looked out the window and saw Jim and Ringer.
    “Hey, driver,” she said. “Pull over. I want to give our friend a ride.”
    “Sorry, miss, I can only take the students from the Foundation.”
    “Well, today you can make an exception.”
    “Sorry, miss,” the driver repeated.
    Eva threw her door open, forcing the car to stop.
    “Miss, please close the door.”
    Eva ignored the driver and called out to Jim. “Yo, Ecco. You want a ride? The driver says he would be delighted to give you a lift.” She drew out the word, looked at the driver, and arranged her mouth into the approximate shape of a smile. Her eyes were hard. She hopped into the front seat, startling the driver, and said, in a near whisper, “Listen. We owe this kid. Somebody tried to jump us this morning and he stopped them. So, just for today, you’re going to find a little different route home. Tell your boss there was a detour, something. Help me and one day I’ll help you.” Then she opened the front passenger door and leaned out again. “Otherwise I drop to the pavement and say that you took off while I was getting in the car.”
    The driver frowned as if trying to decide which held more danger: her threat or her smile. He pulled over.
    “Jim,” Eva called. “Get in. We’ll give you a ride.”
    Jim and Ringer got in the car. The driver glared at Eva. She held his gaze until he looked away. Jim looked puzzled, then concerned. A flash lit Eva’s eyes. Then they turned opaque, and evicted any attempt to see into her soul. That territory was off-limits.
    The riders sat without

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