New Encounters

New Encounters by Helena Smith

Book: New Encounters by Helena Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helena Smith
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really it is okay.’
    ‘They really have to go away with you on a romantic break?’
    ‘Yes, they really do.’
    I go silent for a few minutes digesting what he said. ‘Robert, when you said they have to look after me, what did you mean?’
    ‘You are with me now Bella. You are not to be in harms way, ever. So they will look after you to.’
    ‘When I am with you?’
    ‘No, at all times you will have a team of bodyguards.’
    ‘That’s ridiculous and unnecessary’
    ‘Bella, this is not a moot point. You can stamp your feet all you want, but I need to know you are safe.’
    ‘I’m not stamping my feet, but Jesus, I just find it extreme’
    ‘Bella.... stop this. Its not extreme. You will not even notice they are there.’
    I shake my head and turn to look at the scenery flying past the window. The beautiful rolling hills, the clouds moving so quickly with the sun playing hide and seek with them.
    Robert pulls in at the next petrol station so that we can get a coffee. A much needed coffee as it strikes me that I have a dull head. Mind you, last night was rather action packed and fuelled with alcohol. Sod it, I am going to get some painkillers. There’s no point in suffering. I can see Robert is amused at my shopping. Coffee. painkillers... chocolate... crisps.
‘Well... I need to help my head’
    He just laughs even more and we are off again on the never ending journey home. Why is it that when you go away, the journey is fine but the return journey feels like double the time. Robert managed to find a nice little cafe for lunch and I devour my carbs. Stuff the diet, I need all the help I can get today. I feel shattered which is ridiculous.
    As we pull up to my house, I tell Robert that I don’t want our weekend to end.
‘Ahhh Bella.... everyday is soon to be like that weekend. Don’t forget to hand in your notice at work.’
    ‘Oh gosh. I keep forgetting about that.’
    ‘Well I shall remind you tomorrow morning.’
    ‘I’m sure you will control freak’
    He pulls a hurt face so I lean over and kiss him, which soon turns his frown upside down.  Robert opens my car door and then grabs my bags and suitcase. I get the keys out and go ahead to open the door. As I step in, it looked really messy. To my horror I realise that someone has been in the house.
    ‘Oh my god.’ I rush through to the lounge. The books are on the floor, along with the cushions off the sofa. The TV is still there though.
    ‘Bella. wait for me.’ Robert is catching up with me and has thrown my bags and suitcase. He runs around and checks everything. As I walk around my once safe house, the place has been turned upside down.
    ‘I will phone the police’
    ‘There is no point Bella, it doesn’t look like they have taken anything. ‘
    ‘Yeah but someone has broken in. I have to report it. Oh my god where is Ash?’
    Roberts face turns, I can see the look in his eyes. I am shaking as I get my mobile out of my handbag and dial her number.
    ‘Pick up Ash.... pick up.’ She does, and I breathe a sigh of relief.
    ‘Ash, are you ok?’
    ‘I’m fine sweetie, are you? You sound anxious’
    ‘Anxious isn’t even the word for it. I have just got home now with Robert. Someone has broken in. It doesn’t look like they have taken anything, but there is stuff everywhere.’
    ‘Oh no. I stayed at Emma’s last night. Let me get my stuff together and I will be right over.’
    ‘Okay hun, see you in a bit’
    I hang up and Robert looks relieved.
    ‘Oh Robert, you look as relieved as I am. Bless you’. I wrap my arms around him. ‘At least they haven’t taken anything. They must have been disturbed.’
    ‘Yeah... must have been’
    ‘You don’t sound convinced.’
    ‘I am... sorry. I just can’t believe this has happened’
    I call the police much to Roberts’s protests not to. Ash is home before the police manage to arrive.
    ‘But how did they get in? There is no sign of the door being broken into?’
    ‘God knows Ash,

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