moving as one. She closed her eyes, the feelings racing through her defying her every attempt to describe them. Sparks danced along her skin as his heat flowed into her, making her dizzy with desire. She tried to get nearer to him, to feel more of him against her.
She reached back, stroking his cheek with her fingertips. Laying her head back on his shoulder, she sighed when he caressed her neck with rough fingers. His hand moved upwards, smoothing her hair back. She gasped when his other hand made its way under her shirt to rest lightly on her stomach. His touch was light and heavy, cold and hot, rough and gentle. All without him moving one finger against her suddenly overly sensitive skin.
His bare chest warmed her back through her shirt as their dance continued. She could feel his hips press against her, quickening her breath. He laid his cheek on hers, the contact making her desire rise higher. He kissed her neck, sending fireworks shooting behind her eyelids. As he pulled her closer, she felt his need for her; it was tangible and alive, hanging in the air around them. She could feel it embrace her as his hands glided over her with a feather light touch.
Their steps made no sound as they moved across the leafy carpet. The fairy music built to a crescendo, sending her pulse racing, her temperature soaring, making her fear she would catch fire. He spun her away, then back, his hands drifting to her hips as he pulled her close.
The music faded as he ended the dance, bowing to her. He raised her hand to his lips. At his touch, Karen wondered how she was still standing. Her mouth was dry and her chest heaved as she struggled to suck air into her lungs, while parts of her body were screaming in protest at being ignored.
“I’ve never danced that way or felt like that before,” she whispered.
“Welcome to my world.” His voice had changed. It was deeper, fuller, more like her nighttime friend. He leaned closer.
This is it, she thought. Love’s first kiss. She trembled as his mouth lowered to hers. She could feel the light fan of his breath against her face, could almost taste the sweetness of it. Her lips parted, her eyes fluttering closed. She could feel his lips just millimeters away.
“Randall!” a voice barked out.
They turned to see a very determined, very angry Raesheen striding toward them. “Did you forget you have things to see to?”
“No.” He turned to Karen, running a finger along her jaw. “I suppose you’d better go. Raesheen’s not in a good mood. I’ll try to see you later.”
Disappointment replaced the glow she’d had moments before. “All right.” She caressed his face one more time. She turned to the dryad. “Good bye, Raesheen. It was nice seeing you again.” She grabbed her sweater and jogged down the familiar path to the estate.
“At least she’s properly respectful,” Raesheen murmured. She stood in front of Randall, taking a hard swipe at his arm. “And you!” she shouted. “What in the name of Mother Earth were you thinking? You took her all the way through the Lovers Dance? Have you taken total leave of whatever sense you have left?”
Randall rubbed his arm where she hit him. Her slap stung, leaving small red scratches. “I couldn’t help it. She heard the music and things just happened.”
The dryad took a deep breath. “I know she’s your soul mate. We all sensed it the moment she arrived,” she said in a low voice. “But the Lovers Dance?” she shouted again. She glared at him, trying to make him see reason. “And then you were going to bestow love’s first kiss? What’s wrong with you? You can’t use that kind of power at this point in time. When everything’s over, I don’t care what you do.”
The corners of Randall’s mouth twitched. “Are you done?” She was so much smaller than him and right now, so fierce, she reminded him of his young charges. “I guess I lost it there at the end.”
She swatted him again, leaving more
Heather Davis
Mary Hogan
Richard Wagamese
A. Wilding Wells
Hilary Freeman
Kerrelyn Sparks
Keeley Bates
Anne Heltzel
Marquaylla Lorette
David Isby