pokey car,
merges onto the freeway. We are
seeing a movie. Just not at the theater .
That’s your surprise . Ten minutes
later, we pull into a private parking spot
at an apartment house near UNR.
Chad is out of town. He said we could
hang at his place. It’s probably a mess .
He winks. But as long as the bed is clean…
This Is The Opportunity
I wanted. Right? So why do I feel
like someone just dumped mercury
into my gut? Sean leads me to his
brother’s lair. Clutter and dust are
everywhere, but at least it doesn’t
smell like garbage or dirty socks.
Make yourself at home. I’ll get us
something to drink . Strike one.
I think he means alcohol. I’m not
big on liquor. Still, when he returns
with two brimming glasses, I go ahead
and take a swig. Maybe liquid fire
will incinerate the moths fluttering
in my belly. Sean turns on the TV.
Chad has every movie channel . He stops
flipping at Good Girls Gone Bad .
Sean gulps down half his drink.
This one should be good. Have
you ever watched one of these?
Cable porn? Hardly. Strike two .
“Sean…” But before I can say anything
else, my eyes stray to the screen. Two
women are kissing. One, a pretty blonde,
unbuttons her blue silk blouse, spilling
flesh like fruit from a bowl. The other,
dark-haired like Dani, is quick to sample
the offering. I can’t stop watching.
Now this is what I call a chick flick ,
says Sean, and when he opens my blouse,
moves his hands over my skin, I let him.
And when he kisses down the front
of me, I lie back on the couch, invite
more. Next thing I know, we’re both
out of our jeans. Sean surprises me,
hesitating long enough to say, Christ ,
you’re beautiful . He means it, and I know
it, and I know he loves me. His lips,
sultry and full, feel right, in all the right
places. Sean lifts over me. I close my eyes.
And now we are skin against skin.…
That’s what everyone wants
to see. Skin. flawless, stretched
over perfectly sculpted flesh.
Men are easy, in their hunt for
Flash just enough, they’ll go
sniffing for more, and when
they’re on the sniff, nothing
too much to ask. They’ll give
up careers, sacrifice families.
Buy a new car, hand over
the key
to the one who wears skin
they want to lose themselves
in. And the funny thing
is, they don’t seem
care who knows it. Not
friends. Not colleagues.
Not even the people they
Size Two Skin
That’s what I’m currently wearing.
Fifteen-milligram Meridia is one magic
little pill. You don’t even want to look
at food. The only problem is dry mouth.
Gack. Like sucking on cotton. At least
I’m drinking lots of water. Flushing
out pockets of poison. And fat. Fat. Fat.
Pretty soon my body will be totally
fat free, thanks completely to Xavier.
Thank God I met him. Everything
has fallen into perfect place. He’s setting
me up with runway gigs, and because
of that I can quit worrying about Miss
Teen Nevada. Yeah, it would be nice
to own that crown, but like Xavier says,
If you want to go back to pageants, there’s
always Miss Nevada next year. Or even
the year after. I don’t really need that kind
of stress right now. As Xavier says, You
know what makes worry lines? Worry.
You leave the worry to me. I’m allowed
a few lines at my age. He does have some
at the corners of his eyes, but I think
they make him even cuter. Mom thinks
so too. In fact, he’s got Mom eating right
out of his hand, and that’s a very good thing
because I’ve decided not to go to college
next year, and Xavier will convince her
it’s okay. College will always be there.
But you’ve only got a few short years
to work runway. College is better
with money in the bank. You know?
Beyond Runway
Xavier has connections at all the big
’zines. He says once the plastic surgeon
does her thing, high-fashion shoots
are a sure bet. The nose job is only
a couple of weeks away. The day after
Easter. Once you heal up nice and pretty,
I’ll talk your mom into
Mary Nichols
James Roy
John Saul
Armistead Maupin
Donald Hamilton
Bethany Wiggins
John Anthony Miller
Warren Hammond
Kristan Higgins
Emilie J. Howard