they are trying to do.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, how can they get rid of you—that is to say, us, all the clans—if they can’t blame current unrest and murder across the continent on vampires? Without the violence and killings, no one would believe you’re a threat, and then they’d have no right to hunt you.”
“Well they don’t have any right. We are peaceful. We take care of our own problems as they arise amongst ourselves, as we have for a hundred years. Why do you think these Volator hate us so much—especially the leader, whoever he is?”
“I don’t know, but I wager your father does. Have you ever asked him?”
“When subjects like that come up he always says ‘it’s Council business’ and tells me ‘not to worry’ about it. He let me know that this was one of the subjects not suitable for discussion. It’s just like when I bring up my mother.”
“Here we are the palace stables. After you, my Lady.”
“Oh, for heaven’s sake, I’ve been Kat for all the years you’ve been training to be my Watcher, and now all of a sudden it’s ‘my Lady’?”
“It’s the proper way to address you, especially around here.”
I turned to face him then.
“What if I were to punch you right in the gut?” I said. As I started to make a fist, he threw his hands up in surrender and backed away a couple of steps.
“Very well, Kat, but only when we’re alone, all right?”
“All right, but that doesn’t seem to be very often anymore,” I said, as we continued on.
“Nulla, oh Nulla, there you are.”
She nuzzled my hand as I reached out and then put my head against her cheek.
“Oh, Nulla, you scared me half to death.”
I patted her neck, and she bobbed her head up and down and shifted her weight, trying to get closer to me. She was such a good friend and I loved her dearly.
“See, she’s fine.”
“It’s just that we had quite a scare today, and if anything ever happened to her, or you…or any of your brothers, I’d be heartbroken.”
“Listen, Kat, this is what we train for, and we’re very, very good at it, all right?”
“I know it’s just that…”
I paused and looked up into his eyes.
“That I care very much about…all of you.”
He moved closer to me and took my chin in his hand; his fingers were warm against my cool vampire skin. As I lifted my hand to brush away the hair that always seemed to be in his eyes, he leaned forward, his lips parting. I could smell the sweetness of his breath and…
“Excuse me, my Lady.”
Damn it! Why does someone always have to appear when I’m about to have the thing I want most, a kiss from Quinn?
“Yes?” I responded, with the most annoyed voice I could muster.
“I’m sorry to disturb you, my Lady, but they have asked all of you to come to the great hall for introductions, and Sarah said I’d find you here. I’m to tell you that you must come to your room to change.”
“Tell her I’m coming right along.” When he hesitated I pointed to the stable’s door, “Well, go ahead. I’ll be right there.”
Quinn turned to leave.
“No you don’t,” I said as I pulled him to me.
I was certainly not leaving that stable without my kiss. I put my arms around his neck, rose up on my tiptoes, and kissed him with all the pent-up passion that was in me. Surprised at first, he relaxed into the kiss and with matching passion, wrapped his arms around me and lifted me off the ground. The world disappeared in that moment, and nothing mattered but Quinn and this kiss. When we reluctantly parted, I felt a sigh leave my lips. I slowly opened my eyes, half expecting to be waking from a dream, but he was gazing back at me. It had happened. We both knew what we felt without having to say the words, I love you.
We hurried back across the courtyards and gardens hand in hand. He left me at the entrance of the hallway, as he too had to change and receive his orders.
“Katrina Von Dracek, where have you been?” Sarah
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