arm-in-arm just as Sol’s replacement walked in
the door. He looked back down at the monitor but Darina didn’t reappear.
Damn. I hate leaving without knowing she’s okay.
He stood slowly and stretched, then took his sweet time
handing the reins over to Andy, the night guard. After twenty minutes had
passed and Darina’s image still didn’t reappear, Sol gave up the idea of simply
walking out the door. He scrubbed a hand over his face and sighed, knowing she
was hiding in her office all alone and hurting.
“Andy, I need to check something up on six before I head
out. I’m sure it’s nothing. I’ll be heading out the back to the parking lot
when I’m done.”
Andy grunted and went back to reading a magazine as Sol
headed for the service elevator. He jammed his key into the slot to call the
elevator, feeling like a fool.
She’ll probably be gone by the time I get up there. And
if not I’ll…what? What in the hell can I possibly do?
Sol just shook his head and stepped into the metal box,
stabbing the number six roughly in agitation. The ride up seemed to take three
times as long as normal as he shifted from one foot to the other. Sweat beaded
on his brow and he wiped it off roughly, irritated at his nervousness.
She’s just a woman like any other and I’m just going to
see if she’s okay. Yeah right .
Darina wasn’t a just anything, she was absolute
perfection. He tried to regulate his breathing as he stepped out of the
elevator and headed for her office. He prayed she was through crying, because
if he saw her in tears he wouldn’t be held responsible for his actions. As a
security guard he had access to the employee database and knew exactly where
that bastard Marc lived. If he found Darina crying, he just might have to pay
Marc a visit later and put him in tears too.
* * * * *
Darina sat behind her desk, rubbing her hands up and down
her cold arms. All she wanted was to feel warm again. She frowned when her eyes
stayed completely dry.
I can’t even cry over him anymore.
A raw emptiness filled her until getting out of her chair
seemed like too much effort. She sighed and leaned her head against the back,
staring blankly at the dark ceiling.
Now what?
The pale ceiling tiles held no answer. She took slow, even
breaths until her pulse calmed to normal and contemplated leaving her office. A
noise sounded in the hallway but she couldn’t even muster the strength to care
who it might be. It was most likely the cleaning crew anyway. It wouldn’t be
Marc, of that she was certain. No way would Heather allow him out of her sight.
A small relief in itself.
The door opened and she sat up just as the lights came on.
The sudden illumination made her squint and all she could make out was a large
shape in her doorway.
What the hell?
“Ms. Tanner, are you all right?”
The deep voice sounded vaguely familiar, but she couldn’t
place it. It also sounded sexy as hell and she rubbed her eyes in the hopes of
getting a better look. She blinked and had to look up a ways before reaching
the concerned gaze of the security guard from downstairs. He stood well over
six feet, with broad shoulders and well-defined muscles in his dark uniform.
His thick, black hair looked just long enough to run her fingers through,
though it didn’t touch his collar. She frowned as her addled thoughts returned
to his question.
“Uh, yes…”
“Solon,” he replied at her slightly embarrassed pause. “My
name is Solon, Ms. Tanner, but everyone calls me Sol.”
“Oh. Um, yes, Sol. I’m fine.”
His dark gaze met hers for a moment before slowly sliding
down her body. It lingered at her breasts, where the tops were slightly bared
from one too many buttons coming loose when she’d massaged her neck. She
followed his gaze and her cheeks burned when she realized what a view he was
getting from his impressive height, but she resisted the urge to cover herself.
At least he seems to like what he sees.
Marc had stopped looking at
Heather Davis
Mary Hogan
Richard Wagamese
A. Wilding Wells
Hilary Freeman
Kerrelyn Sparks
Keeley Bates
Anne Heltzel
Marquaylla Lorette
David Isby