turn it into something to make you stronger. Quintus here has vouched for you, and this does carry some weight with me. I’m still convinced this is a mistake, but I do believe in chances.”
He signed his name on the line at the bottom of the application, then handed it down to his secretary.
“Welcome to the Athenae Roma Aeronautica , Cadet Alexandros. And remember: there are no second chances in the Athenae , for once you are out, you are out. Rome does not forget.”
The boy bowed deeply, then turned smartly and left the hall through the same doors that had granted him entrance. He thanked the guards as they opened the doors for him. Even Amelius could see the pep in his step as he exited the hall.
The chief judge turned to the rather average-looking Roman next to him.
“Why did you vouch for him, Quintus?” he asked curiously.
“He reminded me of myself. We cannot control what house or family we are born into. He deserves a chance,” the man said quietly as he gathered his papers and handed them to his manservant. “Besides, Amelius, haven’t you heard the saying… ‘Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer?’”
“Yes, but which one is he? A friend to Rome, or an enemy?”
“A friend, I think. But only time will tell. I’d rather have him under our guidance and control in the meantime, wouldn’t you?”
Amelius nodded hesitantly.
“Very well, then. I shall see you at supper tonight. The new applicants are about to be introduced to the Athenae ,” Quintus said.
“I shall be glad to see it. This new crop appears to be one of the best ones ever. There are several legacies, the children of aviators and captains in the airfleet,” Amelius stated.
He clasped arms with Heratus, bidding him farewell. Picking up his things, Amelius walked across the floor, sandals making sharp noises on the tile. The guards opened the main door with a slight rustle of chainmail as Amelius swept into the hallway.
Alexandros was still in the corridor with his parents. His father leaned down and embraced the child, while his mother dabbed slightly at her eyes with a handkerchief. The boy’s eyes lit up as he saw the chief judge enter the hallway. Extricating himself from his father’s arms, the boy nearly ran over to Amelius.
“Your Judgeship, may I present my family?” Alexandros followed the proper etiquette with painstaking care as he introduced his father and mother.
“We wanted to thank you for giving our son a chance…” Alexandros’s father said.
Amelius shook his head as he fended off their gratefulness. “Please, sir. There is no need. Rufius Tiveri worked for it. He convinced me and enough other members of the panel for the chance. Now all he must do is demonstrate that our trust and belief in him is well placed.”
The man was taken aback at the comment for a moment but then nodded.
“Good luck, Rufius Tiveri Alexandros. You’ll need it.”
Amelius turned and walked down the hallway toward the welcoming breeze of open air. The sound of sandals slapping the tiles came from behind him as young Alexandros approached him.
“You won’t regret this, Your Honor!” he called out.
Amelius refused to turn, instead calling back to him.
“Prove it.”
Chapter 2:
A LEXANDROS RACED DOWN THE COLUMNED pathways, his satchel banging against his hips with every movement. Around him, the standard day at the academia was in full swing. Cadets in blue tunics and gray trousers moved all around him, following their daily schedule. Occasionally, senior cadets, those students in their fourth and final year at the aeronautica, resplendent in their purple tunics and black trousers with silver filigree, would float through the crowd. The masses of first, second, and third year cadets flowed around these older pupils like water around mid-stream boulders.
Built in a cross-like formation, the wings of the academia aligned with the cardinal compass points. To the north and west lay the
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