calligraphy letters. I suspected where the roses came from even before I read the card, if it wasn’t Darien. I had no other men hooked to the point of such an elaborate show of affection, well I mean beside s the one that was going to be the death of me and more than likely my family.
Even though I knew it was Akia, my heart did this odd fluttery thing when I saw his signature at the bottom of the paper. I am sure it was just my nerves reacting to trying to shoo t my cat; yeah that sounds good, we will stick with that one. When I finally read the rest of the note, I wasn’t sure whether to cry or find this monster Akia and kick his ass.
“Kitten: 1000 colored roses for 1000 sincere apologies. 50 black roses for the 50 pieces of my broken heart. Please call me.
P.S. None of your things were taken or harmed. My people are always quite professional.”
For the second time in my entire life, I was speechless. This corny little attempt to earn himself forgiveness surely must have cost him a pretty penny. Then again, I guess money is no object when you are the ruler of the superior race. I was flattered and furious at the same time; two emotions that usually don’t mix. I am sure there are not many reasons in the world that would make these two emotions mix; but then again have I ever been normal?
I was a collection of questions. What the hell did he see between us that would make him go to all of this trouble? How did he get someone into my apartment? He truly had the power to do anything that he wanted, and in my line of work, that was bad. What if next time he didn’t want to come into my apartment to leave flowers? What if next time he breaks in, he is looking for something else? What if no matter how careful I am, he manages to find something that tells him I am not one of them?
There were way too many “what ifs” in each of those scenarios. I had to do something, but would moving into another apartment really stop h im from finding me? He was the King of the world for crying out loud. I am sure he could find me on a different continent if he truly wanted. There had to be something that could be done to make sure that this never happens again. Other than killing him, I had no idea what it might be.
While Akia’s death w asn’t on the agenda for today so far, something had to be done to try to convey to him that he is never to openly enter my apartment again. Why couldn’t some of the stories be true? How much easier would my life be if I could just stake him in the heart, burn him with a cross, or not invite him in? How many monsters would I be able to avoid with simple garlic? Yes, that would be great; a clove here and a clove there. Sure it wouldn’t smell all that great, but that would be a small inconvenience if I could keep all the bad guys at bay.
Without the benefit of extra time to think about it, I had to come up with something quick. The longer I just stood there dumbfounded, smelling the roses, the worse this mess would be come. I thought maybe ignoring him would teach him a lesson, or even get my point across. You know, make him take the hint and maybe stay away from me. Then again, if I was ignoring him, that would mean no talking to him. I couldn’t stand not knowing why he went to all the trouble of doing this. Did he really think breaking into my apartment and filling it with flowers was going to win my heart? Of course, how many females would have given anything to have a guy that would do that for them? I am sure that if Akia was human and the monsters never came, he would be quite the romantic man. Too bad for the both of us that way of life was gone forever; raped and pillaged and burned on the way to creating his very existence. I guess the loss of normal life was a small price to pay when you are creating the perfectly indestructible being.
Since ignoring Akia wasn’t practical, because in all honesty it would drive me nuts, I knew I was going to call him. I had
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