The Alpha's Mail Order Mate: A Paranormal Shifter Romance

The Alpha's Mail Order Mate: A Paranormal Shifter Romance by Jade White Page A

Book: The Alpha's Mail Order Mate: A Paranormal Shifter Romance by Jade White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jade White
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    “Out here?” Night scoffed. “Do you see a garbage man anywhere, Chastity? I think not.”
    Chastity was grinning, and Night realized she was teasing him. He laughed and kissed her on the neck before everyone piled out of the elevator.
    At the tops of the trees, Chastity discovered a wonderland. The platform that Rick had been referring to was actually a series of wooden sidewalks and bridges leading from tree to tree, spanning possibly thirty of them as it spread out over the area. Each of them had sturdy rails so people wouldn’t fall off, and she couldn’t see any path so narrow that two people could not walk side-by-side as they went.
    “This is amazing,” she told Rick with an excited smile. “It almost looks more like the home elves would live in instead of werewolves.”
    “I admit, I do love fantasy stories,” Rick said with a smirk. “Come, the dorm is this way. I’ve already made plans to put a dorm for females over there, far enough from this one to prevent trouble between the two, if at all possible. And right here in the middle, a place where the two can meet each other.”
    “Yes, it would defeat the purpose of trying to build a population if you didn’t let them become couples,” Chastity chuckled.
    “We’re probably going to need to build some sort of apartments, though, eventually,” Rick commented. “I don’t think it would be feasible to make single homes for every new couple who decides to get together.”
    “Yeah, that makes sense,” she agreed. “Though of course, Night and I will want a single home up here as well as the one below for show. I’m sure there will be days when we won’t be down there.”
    Rick laughed. “Oh, so you need a vacation home up here?”
    “Funny,” she grumbled. “Yes, and I want it to have all the amenities too, so no slacking on the job.”
    “Yes, ma’am,” he chuckled.
    “I thought we came up here to look in the dorm, not make vacation plans,” Night reminded them.
    “You’re right,” Chastity agreed with a smirk. “Let’s go.”
    Unlike the old dorm, which was just one large room with rows of bunks, this one was divided into twelve rooms that each currently contained one set of bunk beds. There was space for four sets in each room, just in case. Each room contained built-in dressers and its own bathroom so the men would no longer have to share just the one. Chastity could imagine they really liked that.
    “Wow, this place is great,” Chastity said excitedly. “Much better than Julian’s dorms, that’s for sure.”
    “Yeah, the men might be so comfortable in here that they won’t even want to find mates,” Night teased.
    “I highly doubt that,” Rick told him. “Carl and I have been anticipating the arrival of the ladies with much interest, I’ll have you know.”
    “I bet you have,” Night smirked.
    “Sir, the men are waiting in the sitting room,” Amos told Night.
    “Ah, the sitting room,” said Chastity in a lofty tone. “Another innovation I’m sure they heartily welcomed.”
    “Yes, Alpha Chastity, it was a very welcome thing, indeed,” Amos told her with a slight bow.
    As they continued down a long hall, Chastity paused outside a room that had countertops and space for a stove and refrigerator that were not yet placed. “Oh, they will even have a place to cook? You really did go all out.”
    “Yes, I figured that if they could eat in here it might be helpful for morale,” Rick said. “Also, every man here will be expected to work for his stay. We put a little production area right in this building itself where we can have them help build things we could sell.
    The women will probably be given sewing projects or something. Then men will be trained to build electronic devices. It’s a little pet project of mine, making things like music players and such. I’ve been trying to design a watch-sized computer, and if I get it figured out I’ll be having them made here until we can build a

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