“You do know that women can work on building watch-computers too, I hope?” Chastity grumbled. “Not all of us like to sew all day long like I do.”
“True,” Rick conceded. “I sometimes don’t take that sort of thing into account while I’m brainstorming. I stand corrected, Chastity.”
“Good,” she grumbled with a slight smile as they continued into the sitting room. About fifteen of the men were there. One of them was directing three of the others on how to hang the painting of a mother deer and her fawn at a watering hole over an electric heater that looked like a fireplace.
“Now there’s a good idea, not putting fireplaces in a tree house,” Night commented. “I could just imagine how well that would turn out in the long term.”
“Yeah, exactly,” Rick agreed.
“What is that box over there?” Night asked as he stepped further into the room.
“That’s an indoor generator,” Rick explained. “It charges itself just like a battery in a car would do, only drawing from the power generated by the waterwheels when it gets too low. I’m trying to figure out how to make it generate even more power than it actually needs so that it never will run low, but so far that doesn’t seem to work. It ends up overheating and burning out, and I don’t want to have to keep replacing them so I just use the inferior one.
“An indoor generator that doesn’t require fuel is in no way inferior,” Chastity told him as she rolled her eyes. “Ingenious, maybe, but hardly inferior.”
Night laughed. “I think you are starting to get on my mate’s nerves, Rick,” he told him then. “She never has had much patience for nonsense.”
“Call a spade a spade, I always say,” Chastity agreed.
“That’s something Julian likes to say,” Night observed.
“Where did you think I first heard it?” she pointed out. “I believe I’ve picked up a great many of his witticisms over the years.”
“As have I,” Night grinned. “I wonder if the old dog will ever want to come and see this place for himself. Surely, he can’t intend to just pay for it and then never even have a look what all his efforts have accomplished.”
“That’s hard to say, Night,” said Chastity. “He rarely, if ever leaves the city.”
“I guess he just doesn’t like to ‘rough it’,” Night chuckled.
“He was born out in the wild, but he had to scratch and bite his way to the top, and he likes it right where he is,” said Rick. “I doubt if anything could get him to come out here, really.”
“Maybe one thing,” Night smiled as he laid his hand on Chastity’s belly. “There might be just one thing.”
“Do you think so?” Chastity asked softly, the expression on her face wistful.
“One never knows,” said Night, smiling back. “We’ll just have to wait and see.”
Although they had entered the room intent on interacting with the men, the Alphas had yet to do so, Chastity realized with a start of surprise as she tore her gaze away from Night’s and blushed. Everyone was watching them, waiting for the tender moment to pass before they interrupted.
“Sorry, boys, I forgot all about my surroundings,” she said with a sheepish grin. “How does everyone like the new dorm?”
“It’s so much better than the last one I almost feel like we’ve struck gold,” replied Cyrus Biggs with a grin. “This sure beats returning to the city would have done any day.”
“I’m glad you approve,” said Night with a smirk.
“I’ll like it even better once the women’s dorm gets built and filled,” he added suggestively.
“You used to have a wife before the raids, didn’t you?” Night asked him.
“Yeah, before one of the wolf-borns ate her,” he said. “He almost ate me, too, but I managed to get away and hide out in the woods while I was transforming.”
“It will be nice if you can find yourself a new wife, have a few more kids,” said Night
Alexandra Fuller
Sarina Wilde
Hans Fallada
Kathryn Lasky
Olivia Miles
Kage Baker
Bennett Madison
Gail Koger
Ashley Grace
Charles Arnold