“The men wanted to know if you and your lady would like to come up and see the dorm,” Amos explained.
“Of course, we’d love to,” he replied. “Let me find out where she is.”
Night pulled out his fully charged cell phone and typed into it, texting Chastity about the request. She told him she’d be right there, and soon enough, she and Tess stepped through the back door. He suspected that the two women and been discussing babies because both of them planned to be mothering them this time next year, and they seemed to talk about nothing else.
“Where have you two been off to?” he asked with an indulgent smile.
“Sewing curtains for the dorm,” Chastity explained. “Apparently the old ones practically fell apart when they took them down, so we decided to make new ones. We even weaved them a couple of throw rugs out of some scrap fabric.”
“You two are really enjoying all the crafting projects, aren’t you?”
“Yes, we are,” agreed Tess.
“I didn’t have this much to do even when I was in Julian’s pack, and you know he has well over three hundred people,” Chastity said with a smile.
“I’m glad to see you are enjoying it out here,” he said. “I wasn’t sure a city girl like you would be able to adapt when I first met you. But that was before I knew just how much you were longing to stretch your legs.”
Chastity hid a secret blush. She knew that he was actually trying to say he was glad she’d become his mate, without actually saying the words, because of a previous conversation they had once had. She had said she wanted to stretch her legs, and he had told her the only person she’d ever have to share a bed with after that would be him. And that was just the way she liked it.
In response, she replied with a slightly sassy tone, “I enjoy stretching my legs very much.”
The two of them smirked, and then Night said, “Come on, let’s go have a look at the dorm. I’m sure the men would love to show it to us, after they’ve waited so long for it to get finished.”
“Yes, let’s,” Chastity agreed. “Are you coming along, Tess?”
“Oh, no, I’ve been up there more than once as it is,” she said. “You two go enjoy your moment.”
“All right, we’ll see you later then,” Chastity replied.
Night and Chastity followed Amos, Rick and Carl back to the clearing and Rick pushed the hidden button that would bring the elevator down. When it arrived, they all stepped inside. Chastity had not yet been on the elevator, so she watched the mechanism that made it possible through the glass window.
Apparently, Rick had rigged telescopic bars on all four sides and the middle of three as well that brought the box down the last fifty feet. It took quite a bit of metal to pull it off, and he never could have made something like that reach the full four hundred feet distance from the top. When the elevator reconnected to the main housing, it was pulled up sort of like an accordion, leaving nothing down where prying eyes could see.
“You sure put a lot of thought into this elevator, Rick,” Chastity mentioned as they neared the top.
“Night wanted something you couldn’t see from below,” he said. “It’s just lucky for me Carl brought all this with him when he came here, or we’d still be getting pulled up on a rope.”
“That would never have been a long-term solution, that’s for sure,” Night commented. “Remind me to thank Julian again for sending the truckload of goods. Sure, we had to build a small road into the area to get it in, but now that we own the land that would have been expected anyway. How else would they think we were going to build anything?”
“I, for one, am glad that we have our little road to the outside world,” said Chastity with a smile. “Now maybe we could get goodies more often than three times a year.”
“What did you have in mind, sweetheart?” Night wanted to know.
“Disposable diapers?” she asked
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