The People vs. Cashmere

The People vs. Cashmere by Karen Williams

Book: The People vs. Cashmere by Karen Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Williams
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slipped his tongue in my mouth, and it made my heart rate speed up. I didn’t know what to do, and I didn’t want to look stupid. I was the girl who backed her damn near naked ass up in clubs and couldn’t even French-kiss?
    I tried to follow his lead in the kiss, but in all honesty, I didn’t have experience to compare with. But my young intuition told me Caesar either wasn’t the best teacher or the best kisser. Maybe he was bad at both, but I still liked him. I ended up with slobber all over my mouth, and his dick poking into my waist.
    He pecked me one last time and slid his fingers down to my waist. “You gonna always be my girl.”
    I looked up at him with wide eyes and asked in a little girl voice I hated, “You mean that?”
    He traced my bottom lip with one of his fingers. “Yeah, I mean that. I’m gonna always take good care of you, Cashmere. I’m not going to ever hurt you ever. And I’m gonna make sure no one else will as well.”
    My hold tightened on him, as he stroked up and down my arms.
    â€œOkay,” he said, “let’s put that baby in the oven.”
    After a tiring day, Caesar drove me home in his new car. He said his dad bought it for him after he had gotten accepted to Grambling. Usually I wanted him to walk me home so we had more time to spend together, but I was so tired from work. And, plus, I was in a hurry to share the news that Caesar had invited me to his parents’ house for dinner, and maybe in a bigger hurry to get there just to rub it in her face.
    I warned him not to get involved with any of those college chickens.
    â€œDon’t worry. As soon as I get into the fraternity, I’m sending you my sweater.
    â€œFra who?”
    â€œI’m pledging for Gamma. My daddy was one, so he expects me to be one.”
    â€œDo you want to be?” I asked.
    He seemed like he was examining the question like he’d never thought about it. Maybe no one had ever asked him before.
    â€œYeah, I guess.”
    I stroked his head.
    â€œI just have to pledge.”
    â€œYou’ll get in. I know it.”
    He turned to me and smiled.
    When he pulled up to my aunt’s house, I didn’t want to leave the comfort of his car.
    â€œCan I have one more kiss?”
    â€œYou sure can.” I leaned over and kissed him, my eyes closed. I was really into it, learning how to use my tongue and trying to maneuver my lips so he didn’t deliver so much saliva into my mouth.
    He abruptly broke the kiss.
    He was looking behind me. “It’s the same house I dropped you off at last time, right? ’Cause if it is, something is happening, baby.”
    Through the windows of my aunt’s house, I saw her throw something that busted out a window. “Oh shit.” I opened the car door and ran up the steps and into the house.
    My auntie was struggling with my uncle, who was buck-ass naked. “Get the fuck off me, you bastard! And get the fuck out of my house!”
    I almost laughed at his wrinkled ass. When I heard Caesar’s feet behind me, I placed a hand up, telling him silently not to enter.
    Aunt Ruby swung at Uncle Byron, knocking him into the coffee table. He hit his head and lay sprawled out, his dick dangling back and forth and a milky liquid leaking from it.
    I turned away disgusted. Then a sinking feeling hit me. No, she couldn’t have. “Auntie, what happened?’
    She spun around quickly. “What happened, Cashmere? I’ll show you what happened.” She pulled me by my hand to me and my sister’s room.
    I looked over my shoulder at Caesar, who looked confused and concerned from the porch. “I’ll be back,” I told him. I shrugged ’cause I was just as confused as he was.
    Aunt Ruby barged in our room and pulled me with her. “This is what happened! This slut was fucking my husband in my own house. And, bitch, like I

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