The Wide Receiver's Baby

The Wide Receiver's Baby by Jessica Evans Page A

Book: The Wide Receiver's Baby by Jessica Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Evans
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had hinted about and without hesitation I asked, “Well, what about Trinity?”
He hesitated before he turned around; time felt as if it was standing still and the hunger pains that I’d had a few moments ago had become a distant memory. Olivia was right. There was something going on. I had been a fool to think that he would be at college pinning for me and that he would remain faithful. He had needs like everyone else. Mine were centered around me, I didn’t think that I would be punished for that.
He bent on the side of the bed and whispered, as he opened my legs and buried his head between them, “I may have thought about it. But I did nothing. I just didn’t understand what you were doing.”
His voice was hoarse, as if he was unloading a burden that he had buried deep within him, “Now, I get why Dad told me.” He lifted his head. “We were on our way to dinner and Trinity stopped by. It was that night he told me. He must have thought by making it clear that you were suffering and that your love for me hadn’t changed, that it would stop me from doing something that I may regret.”
Curiosity got the better of me, “Did it?”
He replied avoiding the question, “I’m here now, aren’t I?”
He put his head back in between my legs, rubbing between my thighs, I knew what he wanted - the one thing that we hadn't done for so long.
“I’ve missed you so damn much,” he growled as he lifted my dress. I should have told him to stop, that we still needed to clear the air, but I had wanted him just as much as he wanted me. Inside me, loving me sexually. Letting me know that he hadn’t been with anyone else. I didn’t need to hear him say the words, I wanted to feel it.

    Chapter Thirty Four
    We were like hungry wolves on a hunt in the middle of the night. The room was no longer the executive suite. It became, without any doubt, the place that I had to be inside of Alexa right now.
I had been masturbating like crazy over the last few weeks. At one point, I thought that my dick would fall off and, watching her get rid of her dress, her body changes could have turned me off, but her breasts were so damn full. Bouncy. Curvy, like big fat melons and I felt thirsty like I did on a hot summer’s day, just wanting a sip of something cool and refreshing. This time it was her breasts that I wanted to hold. Her nipples that I needed to suck.
My eyes were locked on her belly filled with my baby. Soon to be either our baby boy or girl. I didn’t know how this whole thing was going to pan out. Was I supposed to drop college and just get a job?
No, that would be silly. Besides if she needed anything financially our parents would help us out as they had been doing so far.
I felt lost when Dad was telling me. The easiest thing to do would be to be with Trinity just once. Alexa and I were going to be parents. It was something that I had wanted, but not like this. I wanted us both to fulfill our dreams together. Then when the time was right, like all the other players. I would do a cheesy proposal after the game. Either her name would be up in lights or I would do a dance with the cheerleaders.
That was how it was supposed to happen.
She hadn’t been taking the pill, sure I knew that she had been careless. But, maybe I should have taken responsibility for that too.
Lust, desire took over when she was naked. Her body stiffened, and the sight of those trembling muscles and perfectly flushed skin was nearly enough to make me come.
I laid down on the bed, knowing that I couldn’t be on top of her and her be comfortable. Sure, the baby was still small and I was sure it wouldn’t get hurt from my weight, but I didn’t want to take the risk.
She gently knelt on top of me.
“Come to papa!”
I laughed as she gently sat down. Not on my cock, but a short distance from it... Shit, she felt so heavy as she rubbed her wet pussy up and down my legs.
How can something so small feel so heavy in such a short space of

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