
Catalyst by Leighton Riley

Book: Catalyst by Leighton Riley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leighton Riley
Tags: Romance
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doesn’t want to jump you after seeing you in that, something isn’t quite right then. Is there more?” He peers into the dressing room, and I can’t help but laugh.
    “Gah, you’re such a man. You’re supposed to be here to help me out, not eye fuck,” I say but really, I’m enjoying every minute of this.
    “You’re stunning, Tins.” He keeps his words short, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows. I look him in the eyes, and without a word, he speaks a dozen different things to me. Noah’s eyes are dark now, and I’m left flattered and confused.
    Right now, I can feel everything shifting. My world’s tilted, and I’m not sure which way to sway.
    Maguire had mentioned randomly one day how he thought Noah wanted to be more than my friend, but I had dismissed his thought, feeling very clear about Noah’s and my relationship.
    Now, though, I can’t help but feel as if maybe Maguire was right; that Noah does have a certain amount of feelings for me. I think back to why we never tried it, and in the end, I realize it’s always been bad timing. We’ve been close yet so far away from something serious, and I feel like I’m seeing things differently now.
    How blinded have I been for the past few months? All the times Noah’s been there for me to pull me back from the brink of breaking. He’s been my rock, and I never thought about his feelings in the situation.
    “Noah?” I ask as I pull on a silk nightie, concealing myself a tad more but still showing way too much cleavage for just a friend. Is he just a friend? I look in the mirror and fix a few stray hairs, trying to calm my breathing.
    “Yeah?” He sounds further away now as if he’s taken a few steps away from my dressing room door. Butterflies fill my stomach with uncertainty and anticipation.
    My thoughts keep jumping from Noah to Maguire and back again.
    One has been there for me forever, knows me better than I know myself, has proven himself loyal, and I’m pretty sure is in love with me.
    The other is new, yet comforting; a risk that allowed me to live again.
    My heart is seriously confused. I need to get out of this store and back on neutral ground. Knowing Noah’s out there, in the state we’re both in, is only cause for trouble.
    “Can you come here a minute?” I say and hope I’m not fucking up two relationships right now.
    I hear him sigh and his light footsteps walk my way. My heart pounds in sync with each footstep. The dressing room is private and only one other woman is trying clothes on right now, luckily.
    After a few seconds, I hear soft knocking on my door and quickly turn to open it up an inch.
    When I gaze into his eyes, I’m comforted by the love I see in them, the hope.
    Opening the door wider, I silently take a step back, allowing him space to join me. The air is thick with desire and passion. It’s intense, and it’s starting to take over my thoughts.
    He closes the door quietly, and we close the space between us, his hands coming to rest on my elbows. His touch is like electricity shooting down to my core. He towers over my barefoot five-foot-five frame. Our breaths mingle together—we’re that close.
    This is wrong.
    I’m with Maguire.
    This feels right, though.
    Thoughts continue to come at me in every direction, warning me to stop. I’m not thinking clearly, and people are going to get hurt.
    “What are you doing, Tinsley?” His voice is thick. Noah’s thumbs are gently rubbing against my arms, and I want more.
    God, I want more.
    “How come you never told me?” Looking up, I search for answers I already know. Noah would rather have a friendship than risk losing ‘us’ in the process. He’s been doing the exact opposite of what I’m doing right now.
    I’m reckless.
    “I have you in my life. It was selfish of me to want more when you were happily in love with Liam, and I respected that. After—you know—I just didn’t want you to fall for me for the wrong reasons. You were fragile, and you

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